Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

A business opening permit, in Turkey, is a vital document that any business must obtain before commencing its operations legally. This permit necessitates a set of documents and procedures that vary depending on the type of business and its location. In this article, we will delve into the required documents and application process for obtaining a business opening permit in Turkey.

What Is a Business Opening Permit?

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

A business opening permit is a form of authorization required for a business to operate legally in Turkey. It is issued by local government authorities and can vary based on the type, size, and location of the business. Acquiring a business opening permit is one of the essential documents for a business to operate legally.

Documents Vary According to Business Type

The documents required to obtain a business opening permit can vary depending on the type of business. For instance, the documents needed for an alcoholic restaurant are different from those required for production facilities. Here is a summary of the necessary documents for various types of businesses:

Alcoholic Restaurant

  • Copy of the owner's identification
  • Health report, as required by the regulations related to business opening and operation permits
  • Proof of employee insurance
  • If you are operating an alcoholic restaurant, you may also need a license for selling alcoholic beverages.

Production Facilities

  • Copy of the owner's identification
  • Environmental clearance certificate for the production facilities
  • Fire safety-related documents
  • Proof of compliance with occupational health and safety regulations

Public Rest and Entertainment Places

  • Copy of the owner's identification
  • Health examination reports for the employees
  • Owner's criminal record certificate

The Business Opening Permit Application Process

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

The steps to obtain a business opening permit are as follows:

  1. Application to the Relevant Municipality: You should submit your application for a business opening permit to the municipality of the city or district where your business is located. During the application, you must provide all required documents accurately.

  2. Review and Evaluation: Municipal authorities will review your application and assess whether your business is suitable for the area. During this phase, factors such as environmental concerns and compliance with occupational health and safety regulations are taken into account.

  3. Fee Payment: There may be a fee for the application process. The amount of the fee can vary depending on the type and size of your business.

  4. Issuance of the Permit: Once your application is approved, you will be granted the business opening permit. This permit is necessary for your business to operate legally.

  5. Annual Renewal: Business opening permits usually need to be renewed annually. The renewal process involves reapplying to the municipality during a specific period.

Regulations on Business Opening Permits

More detailed information and guidelines on business opening and operating permits can be found in the "Çalışma Ruhsatlarına İlişkin Yönetmelik" (Regulation on Opening and Operating Business and Operating Permits) in effect in Turkey. This regulation contains general rules and procedures for obtaining, renewing, and canceling business permits. It is essential for business owners to review this regulation.

What to Consider During the Business Opening Permit Application

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Several critical aspects should be considered when applying for a business opening permit:

  • Submission of Complete Documents: Ensure that you provide all requested documents accurately during the application process. Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to delays in processing your application.

  • Permit Fee: Timely and full payment of the application fee is essential. The fee amount varies depending on the type and size of your business.

  • Environmental Factors: Check whether your business complies with environmental factors. Pay particular attention to environmental permits and fire safety regulations.

  • Occupational Health and Safety: Make sure your business adheres to occupational health and safety regulations.

  • Permit Duration: Business opening permits are typically renewed annually. Do not forget to keep track of the permit's expiry date.

Business Opening Permit and Commercial Enterprises

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Obtaining a business opening permit for commercial enterprises may involve specific requirements. Particularly in the food and beverage industry, businesses need to adhere to hygiene, food safety, and alcohol sales regulations. Therefore, it is crucial for business owners to pay close attention to the relevant regulations and legal requirements.

Business Opening Permits and Health Institutions

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Health institutions encompass businesses operating in the healthcare sector. Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and dental clinics fall under this category. Acquiring a business opening permit for such businesses entails adhering to health service and hygiene regulations. Complying with these regulations is essential.

Business Opening Permit and Production Facilities

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Production facilities are locations where products are manufactured and processed. For such businesses, the requirements may include environmental permits, fire safety, and compliance with occupational health and safety regulations. Additionally, special permits related to production processes may be necessary.

Business Opening Permit and Public Rest and Entertainment Places

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Public rest and entertainment places include restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, and entertainment venues. Acquiring a business opening permit for these businesses may involve additional requirements such as alcohol sales. It is imperative to follow the relevant legal regulations closely.

Business Opening Permit and Relevant Authorities

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

Business opening permit applications are submitted to the municipality of the city or district where your business is located. However, depending on the type of business, other relevant authorities may also be involved. For example, food establishments require approval from the Ministry of Health, while businesses serving alcoholic beverages need licenses from relevant authorities.

Business Opening Permit and Inspections

Business Opening Permit: Required Documents and Procedures in Turkey

After obtaining a business opening permit, your business may be subject to regular inspections. These inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with regulations related to occupational health and safety, environmental standards, and the suitability of business operations. Business owners should be prepared for these inspections.


In conclusion, obtaining a business opening permit is a crucial step for any business to operate legally in Turkey. Business owners must meticulously manage the application process, provide all necessary documents accurately, and ensure compliance with relevant legal regulations. By doing so, they can operate their businesses smoothly and avoid legal issues.

In summary, the process of obtaining a business opening permit in Turkey involves various steps and considerations, and it is essential for business owners to be well-prepared and informed about the specific requirements for their type of business. This permit is not only a legal necessity but also a key to ensuring a successful and compliant business operation.

Published at 10 Nov 2023 18:34, Updated at 26 Oct 2023 12:50
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