

A city in Germany. We have 97 neighborhoods, 0 streets and 0 properties registered in our database.
Rank #8 in Germany
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Insights About Berlin

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Cost of Living in Berlin

This data is inherited from Germany, not belong to Berlin.

Grocery Shopping

Beer (Domestic, 0.5 Liter)
$ 4.35
Beer (Imported, 0.33 Liter)
$ 2.94
Milk (1 Liter)
$ 1.16
Fresh White Bread (500 Grams)
$ 2.09
White Rice (1 kg)
$ 2.91
Chicken Eggs (12 pcs)
$ 3.55
Local Cheese (1 kg)
$ 13.36
Chicken Meat (1 Kg)
$ 15.91
Beef Meat (1 Kg)
$ 16.60
Apple (1 Kg)
$ 2.66
Banana (1 Kg)
$ 1.46
Orange (1 Kg)
$ 2.24
Tomato (1 Kg)
$ 2.31
Potato (1 Kg)
$ 1.65
Onion (1 Kg)
$ 1.83
Lettuce (1 Piece)
$ 1.90
Water (1.5 Liter)
$ 0.79
Wine Bottle (0.7 Liter, Mid-Level)
$ 5.79
Cigarette (20 Pcs Pack, Marlboro)
$ 8.87

Monthly Bills

Basic Bills (Heating, Cooling, Water, Electricity, Garbage) for 90 m2 Apartment
$ 319.72
Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local for 1 Minute (Standard Price without Discount or Monthly Plan)
$ 0.10
Internet Service (50 Mbps or Higher, Unlimited, ADSL)
$ 49.97


Kindergarten (Private, Full-Day, Monthly)
$ 424.62
Primary School (Yearly, International, for Single Child)
$ 13,211.17


1 Bedroom Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 1,005.40
1 Bedroom Apartment in City Centre
$ 754.58
3 Bedrooms Apartment in City Centre
$ 1,840.04
3 Bedrooms Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 1,411.66


Average Salary (Net, Without Taxes)
$ 3,036.27

Eating and Drinking

Budget-Friendly Meal at Restaurant
$ 13.44
3-Course Meal for 2 at Mid-Range Restaurant
$ 64.98
McDonald's McMeal or Similar Combo
$ 10.38
Cappuccino (Normal)
$ 3.55
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 Liter)
$ 2.89


Single Way Ticket (Local Transportation)
$ 3.26
Monthly Pass (Standard Price)
$ 55.10
Taxi Starting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 4.65
Taxi 1 KM Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 2.20
Taxi 1 Minute Waiting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 32.62
Fuel (1 Liter)
$ 1.93
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 Trendline (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 29,173.43
Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l Comfort (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 29,677.34

Leisure & Hobbies & Sport

Fitness Club
$ 36.73
Tennis Court (Weekend, 1 Hour)
$ 22.18
Cinema (1 Seat)
$ 13.04


Jeans (Levis 501 or a Same Quality Jeans)
$ 85.12
Summer Dress (From Chain Stores like H&M, ZARA, etc.)
$ 40.11
Nike Running Shoes (Middle Segment)
$ 91.12
Men’s Leather Business Shoes
$ 119.84

Apartment Prices

M2 Price in City Centre
$ 6,574.95
M2 Price Far From City Centre
$ 5,280.23
20 Years Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rate (%, Annual)
$ 3.92

Berlin Geographical Information

Learn More About Berlin

Berlin, Germany is a vibrant, multicultural city with a rich history and modern edge. Home to over 3.5 million people, Berlin is also the capital of Germany and boasts world-class museums, art galleries, and cultural events.

One of the stand-out features of Berlin is its unique blend of modern architecture and stunning landmarks. The city is home to the Berlin Wall, which was famously torn down in 1989, and the Brandenburg Gate, an iconic 18th-century neoclassical symbol of the city. Visitors can also explore the numerous museums and galleries such as the Berlin Museum Island or the Museum of Contemporary Art.

The city's cultural diversity is reflected in its many neighborhoods, each with its own distinct flavor and charm. Visitors can explore the lively and trendy neighborhoods like Kreuzberg, Neukölln, and Friedrichshain, which are known for their artsy vibe and eclectic nightlife. Meanwhile, the bustling Mitte district offers upmarket shopping and gourmet dining options.

Berlin is also home to vast, sprawling green spaces such as the Tempelhofer Feld, which offers plenty of space for picnics, cycling, or relaxing in the sun. The spacious Tiergarten, in the city center, is perfect for an afternoon run or peaceful stroll.

Overall, Berlin is a city that inspires, enthralls, and entertains visitors with its history and cosmopolitan spirit. Visitors who come for its sights and culture fall in love with the city and find a new home away from home. So, if you're planning a trip to Europe, be sure to add Berlin to your list and experience the magic for yourself.

Popular Questions About Berlin

Berlin offers a range of popular attractions, including the Brandenburg Gate, the Berlin Wall Memorial, Museum Island, and the Reichstag building.

The best time to visit Berlin is during the summer months of June to August. The weather is pleasant, and there are numerous outdoor events and festivals happening during this time.

Berlin has an extensive public transportation system, including buses, trams, and an efficient subway network known as the U-Bahn. It is well-connected and convenient for getting around the city.

Berlin has diverse neighborhoods, each with its own character. Some famous ones include Mitte, known for historical sites, Kreuzberg for its vibrant nightlife, and Prenzlauer Berg for its trendy cafes and boutiques.

When in Berlin, don't miss trying local specialties such as currywurst (curry sausage), schnitzel, doner kebab, and pretzels. The city also offers a wide range of international culinary options.

Yes, English is widely spoken and understood in Berlin, especially in tourist areas, hotels, and restaurants. However, it's always useful to learn a few basic German phrases as a gesture of courtesy.

Berlin hosts various cultural events throughout the year, including the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale), the Karneval der Kulturen (Carnival of Cultures), and the Christmas markets during the holiday season.

Yes, Berlin is known for its abundance of green spaces and parks. Some popular ones include Tiergarten, Volkspark Friedrichshain, and Treptower Park, where you can relax, have a picnic, or go for a stroll.

Berlin offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit every budget, including hotels, hostels, and vacation rentals. However, during peak tourist seasons, it is advisable to book in advance.

From Berlin, you can take day trips to nearby attractions such as Potsdam, known for its palaces and gardens, or Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial. Both these destinations are easily accessible by public transportation.