West Azarbaijan

West Azarbaijan

A city in Iran. We have 46 neighborhoods, 0 streets and 0 properties registered in our database.
Rank #8 in Iran
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Insights About West Azarbaijan

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Cost of Living in West Azarbaijan

This data is inherited from Iran, not belong to West Azarbaijan.

Grocery Shopping

Milk (1 Liter)
$ 0.64
Fresh White Bread (500 Grams)
$ 0.56
White Rice (1 kg)
$ 2.43
Chicken Eggs (12 pcs)
$ 1.15
Local Cheese (1 kg)
$ 3.76
Chicken Meat (1 Kg)
$ 3.20
Beef Meat (1 Kg)
$ 8.91
Apple (1 Kg)
$ 0.95
Banana (1 Kg)
$ 1.49
Orange (1 Kg)
$ 0.96
Tomato (1 Kg)
$ 0.58
Potato (1 Kg)
$ 0.52
Onion (1 Kg)
$ 0.51
Lettuce (1 Piece)
$ 0.52
Water (1.5 Liter)
$ 0.25
Cigarette (20 Pcs Pack, Marlboro)
$ 2.06

Monthly Bills

Basic Bills (Heating, Cooling, Water, Electricity, Garbage) for 90 m2 Apartment
$ 16.13
Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local for 1 Minute (Standard Price without Discount or Monthly Plan)
$ 0.01
Internet Service (50 Mbps or Higher, Unlimited, ADSL)
$ 10.28


Kindergarten (Private, Full-Day, Monthly)
$ 106.37
Primary School (Yearly, International, for Single Child)
$ 1,269.02


1 Bedroom Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 340.33
1 Bedroom Apartment in City Centre
$ 222.72
3 Bedrooms Apartment in City Centre
$ 710.43
3 Bedrooms Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 469.11


Average Salary (Net, Without Taxes)
$ 238.07

Eating and Drinking

Budget-Friendly Meal at Restaurant
$ 3.66
3-Course Meal for 2 at Mid-Range Restaurant
$ 22.34
McDonald's McMeal or Similar Combo
$ 4.00
Cappuccino (Normal)
$ 1.24
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 Liter)
$ 0.61


Single Way Ticket (Local Transportation)
$ 0.26
Monthly Pass (Standard Price)
$ 12.36
Taxi Starting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 0.50
Taxi 1 KM Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 0.30
Taxi 1 Minute Waiting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 2.44
Fuel (1 Liter)
$ 0.58
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 Trendline (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 69,782.68
Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l Comfort (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 62,869.86

Leisure & Hobbies & Sport

Fitness Club
$ 14.95
Tennis Court (Weekend, 1 Hour)
$ 11.33
Cinema (1 Seat)
$ 1.51


Jeans (Levis 501 or a Same Quality Jeans)
$ 29.90
Summer Dress (From Chain Stores like H&M, ZARA, etc.)
$ 29.94
Nike Running Shoes (Middle Segment)
$ 119.97
Men’s Leather Business Shoes
$ 68.14

Apartment Prices

M2 Price in City Centre
$ 1,448.90
M2 Price Far From City Centre
$ 866.02
20 Years Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rate (%, Annual)
$ 22.03

West Azarbaijan Geographical Information

Learn More About West Azarbaijan

Welcome to West Azarbaijan, one of the most beautiful and culturally rich provinces of Iran. Located in the northwest of Iran, West Azarbaijan is home to diverse ethnicities, including Kurds, Azeris, and Armenians. The capital city of West Azarbaijan is Urmia, the largest city in the region.

The province is known for its breathtaking landscapes, including stunning mountains, lush forests, and beautiful lakes. Lake Urmia, one of the largest saltwater lakes in the world, is located in this province. It is an essential natural feature of the area and attracts many visitors from around the world. The lake's turquoise waters against the surrounding mountains create an awe-inspiring view.

West Azarbaijan's cultural heritage is also unique and fascinating. This province is home to some of the most significant historical sites in Iran. The ancient city of Takkān, the Mausoleum of Sheikh Safi al-Din, and the Koy Sanjaq castle are some of the most popular tourist attractions in the region.

West Azarbaijan is famous for its delicious cuisine. Azeri cuisine offers an array of mouth-watering dishes, including ash-e-reshteh, dolma, and gheyme. The local cuisine is heavily influenced by neighboring countries like Turkey and Azerbaijan, making it rich in taste and variety.

West Azarbaijan is also known for its carpet weaving and handicrafts, including pottery, embroidery, and jewelry making. Visitors can take home some of the finest and most authentic souvenirs from this region.

If you are looking for an off-beat and fascinating destination in Iran, West Azarbaijan should be on your list. The province boasts an unusual combination of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture, making it an incredible destination for travelers. Book your trip to West Azarbaijan today and explore one of the most underrated destinations in Iran.

Popular Questions About West Azarbaijan

West Azarbaijan offers a variety of attractions, including the beautiful Urmia Lake, historical sites like Saint Thaddeus Monastery, and stunning landscapes in Takht-e Soleyman.

West Azarbaijan experiences a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. It is known for its heavy snowfall during winter months.

West Azarbaijan is famous for its delicious cuisine. Some popular local dishes include Tandoori Kabab, Dandeh Kabab, and Ashe Mast (yogurt soup).

The best times to visit West Azarbaijan are spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November), when the weather is pleasant and the landscapes are vibrant.

Transportation in West Azarbaijan mainly relies on buses and taxis. There are also domestic flights available for longer distances.

West Azarbaijan is rich in historical sites. Some famous ones include the ancient city of Urmia, the Qareh Kalisa (Black Church), and the Rab-e Rashidi Astronomy Complex.

Yes, West Azarbaijan boasts several natural landmarks, such as the impressive Urmia Lake, Mount Sahand, and the stunning Caves of Katale Khor.

Visitors can engage in various activities in West Azarbaijan, including hiking, trekking near Mount Sahand, bird-watching at Urmia Lake, and exploring ancient ruins.

West Azarbaijan is known for its traditional crafts. Some popular ones are carpet weaving, pottery making, wood carving, and traditional textile production.

The main shopping areas in West Azarbaijan include Tabriz Bazaar, Miandoab Market, and Khoy Bazaar where visitors can find various traditional handicrafts and local products.