Chimbu Province

Chimbu Province

A city in Papua New Guinea. We have 6 neighborhoods, 0 streets and 0 properties registered in our database.
Rank #8 in Papua New Guinea
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Cost of Living in Chimbu Province

This data is inherited from Papua New Guinea, not belong to Chimbu Province.

Grocery Shopping

Beer (Domestic, 0.5 Liter)
$ 3.11
Beer (Imported, 0.33 Liter)
$ 4.10
Milk (1 Liter)
$ 1.87
Fresh White Bread (500 Grams)
$ 1.44
White Rice (1 kg)
$ 1.46
Chicken Eggs (12 pcs)
$ 3.74
Local Cheese (1 kg)
$ 5.41
Chicken Meat (1 Kg)
$ 6.77
Beef Meat (1 Kg)
$ 7.94
Apple (1 Kg)
$ 3.32
Banana (1 Kg)
$ 2.55
Orange (1 Kg)
$ 3.18
Tomato (1 Kg)
$ 3.13
Potato (1 Kg)
$ 3.24
Onion (1 Kg)
$ 2.84
Lettuce (1 Piece)
$ 3.10
Water (1.5 Liter)
$ 1.11
Wine Bottle (0.7 Liter, Mid-Level)
$ 11.23
Cigarette (20 Pcs Pack, Marlboro)
$ 6.73

Monthly Bills

Basic Bills (Heating, Cooling, Water, Electricity, Garbage) for 90 m2 Apartment
$ 106.38
Internet Service (50 Mbps or Higher, Unlimited, ADSL)
$ 275.98


Kindergarten (Private, Full-Day, Monthly)
$ 347.50
Primary School (Yearly, International, for Single Child)
$ 4,922.72


1 Bedroom Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 3,443.76
1 Bedroom Apartment in City Centre
$ 668.31
3 Bedrooms Apartment in City Centre
$ 2,963.31
3 Bedrooms Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 901.69


Average Salary (Net, Without Taxes)
$ 305.43

Eating and Drinking

Budget-Friendly Meal at Restaurant
$ 8.88
3-Course Meal for 2 at Mid-Range Restaurant
$ 43.08
McDonald's McMeal or Similar Combo
$ 8.22
Cappuccino (Normal)
$ 2.75
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 Liter)
$ 0.98


Single Way Ticket (Local Transportation)
$ 0.54
Monthly Pass (Standard Price)
$ 36.29
Taxi Starting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 5.03
Taxi 1 KM Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 1.62
Taxi 1 Minute Waiting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 13.46
Fuel (1 Liter)
$ 1.20
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 Trendline (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 36,366.20
Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l Comfort (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 28,614.91

Leisure & Hobbies & Sport

Fitness Club
$ 51.83
Tennis Court (Weekend, 1 Hour)
$ 17.95
Cinema (1 Seat)
$ 8.08


Jeans (Levis 501 or a Same Quality Jeans)
$ 30.35
Summer Dress (From Chain Stores like H&M, ZARA, etc.)
$ 33.00
Nike Running Shoes (Middle Segment)
$ 70.90
Men’s Leather Business Shoes
$ 85.62

Apartment Prices

M2 Price in City Centre
$ 8,180.24
M2 Price Far From City Centre
$ 70,901.60
20 Years Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rate (%, Annual)
$ 15.17

Chimbu Province Geographical Information

Learn More About Chimbu Province

Chimbu Province is located in the central highlands of Papua New Guinea. It shares its borders with the Eastern Highlands Province to the east, Southern Highlands Province to the south, and Western Highlands Province to the north. The province is home to many indigenous tribes that have their unique cultures and traditions.

The capital of Chimbu Province is Kundiawa, which is a bustling town with a vibrant market and friendly locals. The town is surrounded by green hills and provides stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Chimbu Province is known for its rugged terrain and mountainous landscapes, which offer excellent trekking opportunities for the adventurous traveler.

One of the popular attractions in Chimbu Province is the Asaro Mudmen, who are known for their unique face masks and body paintings. The Mudmen's cultural dance is a spectacular sight to behold and offers visitors an insight into the region's rich history and traditions.

Another popular attraction in Chimbu Province is the Kundiawa War Cemetery, which is the final resting place for many soldiers who died during World War II. The cemetery is a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by the brave soldiers who fought for our freedoms.

If you are a nature lover, Chimbu Province has plenty to offer. You can explore the beautiful rainforests and waterfalls, go bird watching, or try your hand at fishing and hunting. The province is also home to many hot springs where you can relax and soak up the natural beauty of the area.

Chimbu Province offers a unique travel experience that is hard to match. From its rugged mountains to its vibrant culture and traditions, there is something for everyone in this beautiful part of Papua New Guinea. Visit Chimbu Province today and discover the beauty of PNG.

Popular Questions About Chimbu Province

Chimbu Province is located in the highlands region of Papua new Guinea, in the central part of the country.

The population of Chimbu Province is approximately 376,473 people as of the latest census.

The main cities and towns in Chimbu Province include Kundiawa, Chuave, Kerowagi, Sinasina, and Goroka.

Chimbu Province has a temperate climate with mild temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius throughout the year.

Some major attractions in Chimbu Province include the Goroka Show, Kundiawa Cultural Show, Gembogl Mountain Range, and Mt. Wilhelm, the highest peak in Papua new Guinea.

The main languages spoken in Chimbu Province are Kuman, Simbu, Kumanini, Gari, and Chuave.

The main industries in Chimbu Province are agriculture, with a focus on coffee, tea, vegetables, and livestock farming. Additionally, mining and forestry contribute to the local economy.

Yes, Chimbu Province has a rich cultural heritage and various traditional customs and practices, including the famous Chimbu wigmen, who wear elaborate masks and headdresses during ceremonies.

Chimbu Province has a network of roads connecting the major towns and villages. Public transportation options include buses, minivans, and taxis.

While Chimbu Province is generally safe to visit, it is always recommended to exercise caution and follow local advice, particularly in remote areas. It is advisable to travel with a trusted guide.