Qashqadaryo Region

Qashqadaryo Region

A city in Uzbekistan. We have 9 neighborhoods, 0 streets and 0 properties registered in our database.
Rank #8 in Uzbekistan
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Cost of Living in Qashqadaryo Region

This data is inherited from Uzbekistan, not belong to Qashqadaryo Region.

Grocery Shopping

Beer (Domestic, 0.5 Liter)
$ 1.03
Beer (Imported, 0.33 Liter)
$ 2.93
Milk (1 Liter)
$ 1.07
Fresh White Bread (500 Grams)
$ 0.46
White Rice (1 kg)
$ 1.63
Chicken Eggs (12 pcs)
$ 1.75
Local Cheese (1 kg)
$ 6.66
Chicken Meat (1 Kg)
$ 3.80
Beef Meat (1 Kg)
$ 7.91
Apple (1 Kg)
$ 1.30
Banana (1 Kg)
$ 1.83
Orange (1 Kg)
$ 2.31
Tomato (1 Kg)
$ 1.51
Potato (1 Kg)
$ 0.51
Onion (1 Kg)
$ 0.43
Lettuce (1 Piece)
$ 0.39
Water (1.5 Liter)
$ 0.35
Wine Bottle (0.7 Liter, Mid-Level)
$ 4.91
Cigarette (20 Pcs Pack, Marlboro)
$ 2.00

Monthly Bills

Basic Bills (Heating, Cooling, Water, Electricity, Garbage) for 90 m2 Apartment
$ 42.87
Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local for 1 Minute (Standard Price without Discount or Monthly Plan)
$ 0.02
Internet Service (50 Mbps or Higher, Unlimited, ADSL)
$ 13.81


Kindergarten (Private, Full-Day, Monthly)
$ 220.46
Primary School (Yearly, International, for Single Child)
$ 6,731.92


1 Bedroom Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 508.59
1 Bedroom Apartment in City Centre
$ 327.01
3 Bedrooms Apartment in City Centre
$ 878.92
3 Bedrooms Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 553.13


Average Salary (Net, Without Taxes)
$ 372.51

Eating and Drinking

Budget-Friendly Meal at Restaurant
$ 5.00
3-Course Meal for 2 at Mid-Range Restaurant
$ 23.88
McDonald's McMeal or Similar Combo
$ 3.63
Cappuccino (Normal)
$ 1.68
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 Liter)
$ 0.55


Single Way Ticket (Local Transportation)
$ 0.13
Monthly Pass (Standard Price)
$ 10.56
Taxi Starting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 0.51
Taxi 1 KM Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 0.30
Taxi 1 Minute Waiting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 4.98
Fuel (1 Liter)
$ 0.99
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 Trendline (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 14,983.81
Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l Comfort (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 21,580.29

Leisure & Hobbies & Sport

Fitness Club
$ 36.86
Tennis Court (Weekend, 1 Hour)
$ 11.24
Cinema (1 Seat)
$ 4.52


Jeans (Levis 501 or a Same Quality Jeans)
$ 47.90
Summer Dress (From Chain Stores like H&M, ZARA, etc.)
$ 54.28
Nike Running Shoes (Middle Segment)
$ 98.55
Men’s Leather Business Shoes
$ 106.62

Apartment Prices

M2 Price in City Centre
$ 1,223.62
M2 Price Far From City Centre
$ 652.77
20 Years Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rate (%, Annual)
$ 21.67

Qashqadaryo Region Geographical Information

Learn More About Qashqadaryo Region

Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan is a beautiful and picturesque location situated on the southern part of the country. The region, which is also known as Kashkadarya, borders the Kyzyl Kum Desert and has an array of stunning landscapes, rich history, and culture.

One of the prominent features of this region is its awe-inspiring natural beauty. The mountains, valleys and rivers that adorn the region cast unforgettable scenes that leave visitors in complete wonder. The most famous is the beautiful mountains of Nuratau range that creates an excellent backdrop for nature lovers. Moreover, the Surkhan River that is famous for its fishing spots and truly magical picnic sites.

The region has a rich history that dates back to ancient times, and there are many historical monuments which have earned it the reputation of being the "Cultural Heart of Uzbekistan". Visitors can explore the ruins of ancient cities, visit historical sites, mausoleums, and temples. One of the significant monuments in the area is the remains of the fortress of Alexander the Great, affectionately known as the "Alexander's wall," which is said to have been used to keep invaders out.

The region also has a rich and diverse culture; home to various ethnic groups that have managed to preserve their traditions and customs over the years. The majority of the population practices Islam, and that can be seen in their traditional dress, music, and the food that they consume. The cities in the area offer visitors a range of exciting things to do such as visiting the local markets to purchase traditional items or try the local delicacies.

Overall, Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan, is an incredible place to visit, and it would be a treat to experience everything this ancient and culturally rich city has to offer. Whether it's exploring the natural scenery, the ancient city ruins, or the culture and traditions, there's something for every traveler. If you're looking for adventure, new experiences, and a chance to learn about a different way of life, Qashqadaryo, Uzbekistan, should be at the top of your list as you plan your next trip.

Popular Questions About Qashqadaryo Region

Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan has a population of over 3 million people.

The main cities in Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan include Qarshi, Shahrisabz, and Kitob.

Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan has a continental climate with hot summers and mild winters.

Popular attractions in Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan include the Karmana Archaeological Complex, Amir Temur Mausoleum, and Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve.

The main language spoken in Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan is Uzbek. Russian and Tajik are also commonly spoken.

Yes, Shahrisabz Historic Centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan.

The economy of Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan is primarily based on agriculture, including cotton, vegetables, and fruits.

Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan has a well-developed transportation system with roads, railways, and an airport in Karshi.

Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan is generally a safe place to visit, but tourists should take usual precautions and be aware of their surroundings.

Traditional crafts in Qashqadaryo Region, Uzbekistan include pottery, carpet weaving, and embroidery.