

A city in Yemen. We have 0 neighborhoods, 0 streets and 0 properties registered in our database.
Rank #8 in Yemen
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Cost of Living in Sana'a

This data is inherited from Yemen, not belong to Sana'a.

Eating and Drinking

Budget-Friendly Meal at Restaurant
$ 20.97
3-Course Meal for 2 at Mid-Range Restaurant
$ 65.79
McDonald's McMeal or Similar Combo
$ 27.43
Cappuccino (Normal)
$ 10.89
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 Liter)
$ 4.05


Single Way Ticket (Local Transportation)
$ 2.14
Monthly Pass (Standard Price)
$ 221.15
Taxi Starting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 6.74
Taxi 1 KM Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 13.30
Taxi 1 Minute Waiting Price (Standard Tariff)
$ 16.76
Fuel (1 Liter)
$ 6.49
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 Trendline (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 24,410.81
Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l Comfort (Or a Same Segment Vehicle)
$ 49,647.85

Leisure & Hobbies & Sport

Fitness Club
$ 196.11
Tennis Court (Weekend, 1 Hour)
$ 39.21
Cinema (1 Seat)
$ 16.06


Jeans (Levis 501 or a Same Quality Jeans)
$ 200.34
Summer Dress (From Chain Stores like H&M, ZARA, etc.)
$ 193.35
Nike Running Shoes (Middle Segment)
$ 217.92
Men’s Leather Business Shoes
$ 219.02

Apartment Prices

M2 Price in City Centre
$ 3,447.67
M2 Price Far From City Centre
$ 2,038.33
20 Years Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rate (%, Annual)
$ 11.32

Grocery Shopping

Milk (1 Liter)
$ 6.52
Fresh White Bread (500 Grams)
$ 4.05
White Rice (1 kg)
$ 10.95
Chicken Eggs (12 pcs)
$ 11.28
Local Cheese (1 kg)
$ 24.08
Chicken Meat (1 Kg)
$ 30.90
Beef Meat (1 Kg)
$ 77.09
Apple (1 Kg)
$ 16.14
Banana (1 Kg)
$ 5.01
Orange (1 Kg)
$ 11.79
Tomato (1 Kg)
$ 6.80
Potato (1 Kg)
$ 6.04
Onion (1 Kg)
$ 5.09
Lettuce (1 Piece)
$ 1.79
Water (1.5 Liter)
$ 3.16
Cigarette (20 Pcs Pack, Marlboro)
$ 12.96

Monthly Bills

Basic Bills (Heating, Cooling, Water, Electricity, Garbage) for 90 m2 Apartment
$ 186.48
Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local for 1 Minute (Standard Price without Discount or Monthly Plan)
$ 14.18
Internet Service (50 Mbps or Higher, Unlimited, ADSL)
$ 133.78


Kindergarten (Private, Full-Day, Monthly)
$ 172.18
Primary School (Yearly, International, for Single Child)
$ 9,866.94


1 Bedroom Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 699.21
1 Bedroom Apartment in City Centre
$ 454.63
3 Bedrooms Apartment in City Centre
$ 1,889.06
3 Bedrooms Apartment Far From City Centre
$ 1,301.27


Average Salary (Net, Without Taxes)
$ 1,243.85

Sana'a Geographical Information

Popular Questions About Sana'a

Sana'a offers several must-visit attractions, including the Old City, Bab al-Yemen, Great Mosque of Sana'a, and Al Saleh Mosque.

While Sana'a has experienced some security issues, it is generally safe for tourists. However, it is advised to stay updated on the current travel advisories and follow local authorities' guidance.

The best time to visit Sana'a is during the cooler months between October and March when the weather is more pleasant and ideal for exploration.

Sana'a is known for its delicious Yemeni cuisine. Traditional dishes include Mandi, Aseedah, Saltah, and Bint Al-Sahn, showcasing a blend of aromatic flavors and spices.

Transportation in Sana'a mainly relies on taxis, both shared and private. Public buses are also available, but not as common. It's advisable to negotiate fares in advance.

For shopping enthusiasts, Sana'a offers vibrant markets like Souk al-Milh, where you can find spices, coffee, traditional handicrafts, and authentic Yemeni products.

Yes, there are several accommodations near Sana'a city center, ranging from luxurious hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses, ensuring a convenient stay for visitors.

The official language is Arabic, specifically Yemeni Arabic. English is not widely spoken, but you can find some English-speaking locals and tourist-oriented businesses.

Credit cards are not widely accepted in Sana'a. It's recommended to carry sufficient cash, preferably in local currency, for most transactions.

Sana'a celebrates various traditional festivals, such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which are important religious occasions with festive gatherings and special meals.