Understanding Turkey Postal Codes

Understanding Turkey Postal Codes

In a world where precise location matters, having a complete and correct address is essential. Turkey, with its diverse provinces and districts, follows a unique postal code system to ensure efficient mail delivery and accurate navigation.

This guide will explain the Turkish postal code system. It will also teach you how to use it correctly. By following these instructions, your mail can be delivered without any problems.

The Significance of Postal Codes in Turkey

Postal codes, often referred to as zip codes, play a pivotal role in the Turkish postal system. They are an integral part of the address format, just as crucial as the name of the street, location, or site. These codes are a mix of letters and numbers. They pinpoint a precise location in Turkey, including the neighborhood, square, boulevard, avenue, street, or block.

How to Find Your Turkey Postal Code

To find the postal code for your address, you can use various online tools and resources. There are numerous websites and official postal services that offer search functions. Simply input the complete and correct address, including the district and city, to obtain the corresponding postal code. These tools ensure that your mail gets to the right place promptly.

A tool for this is you can click and learn the postcode on the neighborhood level.

Structure of Turkey Postal Codes

Turkey's postal codes consist of five digits. They are meticulously designed to provide precise location information. The first two digits represent the province, while the following three digits pinpoint the district. This structure is both straightforward and effective, making it easy to navigate the country's extensive postal code system.

City Postal Codes of Turkey

City Postal Code
Adana 01000
Adıyaman 02000
Afyonkarahisar 03000
Ağrı 04000
Aksaray 68000
Amasya 05000
Ankara 06000
Antalya 07000
Ardahan 75000
Artvin 08000
Aydın 09000
Balıkesir 10000
Bartın 74000
Batman 72000
Bayburt 69000
Bilecik 11000
Bingöl 12000
Bitlis 13000
Bolu 14000
Burdur 15000
Bursa 16000
Çanakkale 17000
Çankırı 18000
Çorum 19000
Denizli 20000
Diyarbakır 21000
Düzce 81000
Edirne 22000
Elazığ 23000
Erzincan 24000
Erzurum 25000
Eskişehir 26000
Gaziantep 27000
Giresun 28000
Gümüşhane 29000
Hakkari 30000
Hatay 31000
Iğdır 76000
Isparta 32000
İstanbul 34000
İzmir 35000
Kahramanmaraş 46000
Karabük 78000
Karaman 70000
Kars 36000
Kastamonu 37000
Kayseri 38000
Kırıkkale 71000
Kırklareli 39000
Kırşehir 40000
Kilis 79000
KKTC 99000
Kocaeli 41000
Konya 42000
Kütahya 43000
Malatya 44000
Manisa 45000
Mardin 47000
Mersin 33000
Muğla 48000
Muş 49000
Nevşehir 50000
Niğde 51000
Ordu 52000
Osmaniye 80000
Rize 53000
Sakarya 54000
Samsun 55000
Siirt 56000
Sinop 57000
Sivas 58000
Şanlıurfa 63000
Şırnak 73000
Tekirdağ 59000
Tokat 60000
Trabzon 61000
Tunceli 62000
Uşak 64000
Van 65000
Yalova 77000
Yozgat 66000
Zonguldak 67000

The Role of Provinces and Districts

In Turkey, the postal code system organizes based on provinces and districts. The country assigns unique two-digit codes to provinces, which are the highest administrative divisions. Meanwhile, districts are smaller administrative regions within provinces and have their own three-digit codes. This hierarchical structure ensures that we can sort and deliver mail efficiently, streamlining the process and minimizing errors.

The Address Format

The correct format for a Turkish address includes various elements, with the postal code being a crucial component. When preparing an address in Turkey, you should follow this format meticulously:

  1. Recipient's Name: Always include the name of the intended recipient.
  2. Street Location Site Block: Specify the street, location, site, and block, if applicable. This information provides precise location details.
  3. Neighborhood, Square, Boulevard, Avenue, Street: Include the neighborhood, square, boulevard, avenue, or street name. This helps further pinpoint the address.
  4. District and City: Clearly mention the district and city, ensuring there is no room for ambiguity.
  5. Postal Code: The postal code must be typed correctly and completely. It is the linchpin for successful mail delivery.

The Importance of Typing the Postal Code Correctly

A common mistake that can lead to mail delivery issues is an incorrectly typed postal code. A single incorrect digit can send your mail astray, causing delays and inconvenience. Therefore, it's of utmost importance to type the postal code in Turkey correctly and legibly.

Turkey Postal Codes and License Plates

Interestingly, Turkey's license plate system also corresponds with postal codes. The first two digits of a vehicle's license plate are tied to the province, mirroring the postal code system. This alignment further highlights the importance of the postal code in the Turkish address system.

Navigating Turkey's Postal Codes

Navigating Turkey's postal codes is relatively straightforward. Once you have a complete and correct address, the postal code is a key element in ensuring the smooth and timely delivery of your mail. Understanding how the postal code system is structured and the role it plays in the broader address format is essential for anyone living in or sending mail to Turkey.


In conclusion, Turkey's postal code system is an intricate yet highly efficient way of ensuring accurate mail delivery across the country. By understanding the structure, importance, and role of postal codes in the Turkish address system, you can ensure that your mail reaches its intended destination without any complications. Remember to enter the postal code accurately, as it is crucial for a correct address in Turkey.

Published at 10 Nov 2023 18:34, Updated at 17 Oct 2023 15:59
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