What is Floor Easement?

What is Floor Easement?

Floor Easement may be seen as a complex issue by many people, but it is actually a very important and useful concept. In this article, we will discuss in detail issues such as what is a floor easement, how is it established, and what are the differences between floor easement and floor ownership.

Floor Easement and Floor Ownership: Two Different Concepts

What is Floor Easement?

Floor easement and floor ownership are two separate concepts related to the ownership and use of buildings or structures. Although they may seem similar at first glance, they actually have important differences.

What is Flat Ownership?

Flat ownership refers to dividing a building into independent sections and having separate property titles for these independent sections. Each independent section belongs to its own owner and is recorded in a separate property deed. People living in these flats are considered full owners of their flats and therefore have full rights over their flats.

What is Floor Easement?

Floor easement is a concept that allows a building to be built on land and the owners of the building to have their share of the land. In other words, the owners of a building, in addition to being the owners of their independent sections, also have a certain land share as the owners of the land on which the building is located. Floor easement, title deed and cadastre general directorate. It is a type of title deed issued by.

How to Establish a Floor Easement?

What is Floor Easement?

Floor easement is a type of title deed established when a building is being constructed. Here are the steps on how to establish a floor easement:

  • Agreement with Land Owners: The first step is to make an agreement between the land owners. In this agreement, it should be stated which independent sections will be created on the land where the building will be constructed and what the land shares of the owners will be.
  • Issuing a Floor Easement Deed: Then, a floor easement deed is issued in line with this agreement. This title deed shows the land shares of the flat owners after the construction of the building is completed.
  • Deed of Independent Sections: After the construction of the building is completed, separate title deeds of each independent section are issued and given to the flat owners.

Differences Between Floor Easement and Floor Ownership

What is Floor Easement?

The main differences between floor easement and floor ownership are as follows:

  • Owner of Ownership: Owners of condominiums are the full owners of independent sections, but owners of floor easements are both independent section owners and land owners.

  • Deed Type: Flat ownership is a system in which separate title deeds are issued for flats, but floor easement is a type of title deed issued for the entire building.

  • Right of Use: Flat ownership owners can use their flats as they wish, but floor easement owners are subject to certain restrictions, such as building an additional structure on the land.

Advantages of Floor Easement

What is Floor Easement?

Floor easement is an advantageous option, especially during the construction of multi-storey buildings. Here are some advantages of floor easement:

  • Land Share: Floor easement offers building owners the opportunity to determine and manage their shares on the land.

  • Easy Management: Floor easement facilitates management because it is a system based on an agreement between building owners.

  • Less Cost: Issuing a floor easement deed is more economical than obtaining separate title deeds for independent sections.

In Which Situations Are Floor Easement and Floor Ownership Used?

What is Floor Easement?

Floor easement and floor ownership are used in accordance with different needs and projects. Here are the usage areas of these two concepts:

  • Floor Easement: It is generally used in the construction of multi-storey apartments, sites or mixed-use buildings. In such projects, floor easement is preferred if there is more than one independent section on the land.

  • Floor Ownership: It is a preferred system for smaller-scale buildings, villa-type residences and workplaces. Flat ownership is used in cases where each independent section must have a separate property title.

The Relationship Between Floor Easement and Floor Ownership

What is Floor Easement?

Floor easement and flat ownership, base In some cases, they can be found together in the same building. For example, in a mixed-use building, there may be both shops (floor ownership) and flats (floor easement). Both systems can exist in harmony in the same building.


Floor easement and flat ownership are two different concepts that meet different needs regarding ownership. Depending on the features and objectives of your construction project, you should carefully consider which system you will prefer. Floor easement is a system that protects the rights of land owners in projects carried out on land, so it is an ideal option especially for large sites and apartment buildings. Flat ownership is preferred in smaller projects and mixed-use buildings.

It is important to consult an expert to better understand both systems and choose the one that best suits your project. Remember that each project has its own unique features. They have needs and they need the right title deed. Choosing your choice can help prevent many problems in the long run.

In this article, we discussed in detail the differences between floor easement and floor ownership and how both systems work. You can use this information to make the right decision in your construction projects.

Published at 10 Nov 2023 18:34, Updated at 06 Nov 2023 15:50
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